I thought I would provide an update of the current “happenings” at Premier. Once again catalog season is here, but this season we’re working on the Spring Fence Catalog. Jody and Kerrie are putting together the layout, then Stan and I fill blank spaces with copy. Tharren is busy taking last minute photos (we keep sending the poor guy out into the cold for pictures of insulators). But it's coming together slowly but surely, look for the new catalog in your mailbox the third week of March

Photo: Some lambs that were born a few days after Thanksgiving.

Photo: More Thanksgiving lambs enjoying their time under a roof and out of the snow.
Premier will be hosting a Winter Sheep Day the first weekend of February. Topics covered will be: Addressing High Feeding Costs, High Moisture Bale Feeding (Baleage), Lambing Time Tips for Indoor and Pasture System Operations, Ration Options Using Corn Co-Products, Lamb Marketing Impact of the Sale of Iowa Lamb to Superior Farms. Speakers will be Stan Potratz of Premier, Dan Morrical from Iowa State University, and Byron Leu from Iowa State University Extension. There will also be an opportunity to tour some of Premier's lambing barns.
The event will be held on Feb. 5, from 10:00am to 3:00pm. There is a registration fee of $5 per person or $10 per family. Lunch will be provided by Premier. Please RSVP to Joe jputnam@premier1supplies.com or Cheyenne cmiller@premier1supplies.com. You can also call 1-800-282-6631 to register. Hope to see you there!

Photo: Premier's copywriter showing off his shepherding abilities.